The ICCV Doctoral Consortium will provide a unique opportunity to students who are close to finishing, or who have very recently finished, their doctorate degree, to interact with renowned and experienced researchers in the field, and discuss with them their ongoing research and career plans. One senior member of the community will be assigned as a mentor for each student based on similarity of research interests. At the meeting, each student will discuss their research and future plans with their mentor and other participants.
Selected Student Participants and Mentors
Shuai Yi, CUHK Chen Sun, University of Southern Calif. Junchi Yan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Chenyi Chen, Princeton University Vasileios Belagiannis, University of Oxford Pan Ji, Australian National University Jiaji Huang, Duke University Ashesh Jain, Cornell University Hossein Hajimirsadeghi, Simon Fraser University Ying Fu, The University of Tokyo Helge Rhodin, MPI for informatics ZHANPENG ZHANG, The Chinese University of HK Liang Zheng, University of Texas at San Antonio Raviteja Vemulapalli, University of Maryland Manolis Tsakiris, Johns Hopkins University Ilke Demir, Purdue University Yibiao Zhao, UCLA Yu Xiang, University of Michigan Zhaopeng Cui, Simon Fraser University Mahmudul Hasan, UC Riverside Michele Fenzi, Leibniz Univ. Hannover Alvaro Parra Bustos, The University of Adelaide Hsin-I Chen, National Taiwan University Stefan Lee, Indiana University Puneet Dokania, CentraleSupelec and INRIA Karel Lebeda, University of Surrey Artem Babenko, MIPT Danda Pani Paudel, CNRS Jack Valmadre, Queensland University of Technology Wen-Sheng Chu, CMU Sijin Li, City University of Hong Kong Genevieve Patterson, Brown University Junshi Huang, National University of Singapo VIOLETA CHANG, UNIVERSITY OF CHILE Patrick Snape, Imperial College London Bernhard Zeisl, ETH Zurich Zhicheng Yan, University of Illinois David Fouhey, CMU Fernando Bernuy, AMTC Universidad de Chile Christos Sagonas, Imperial College London Chris Sweeney, UC Santa Barbara Jan Stühmer, Technische Universität München Bilge Soran, University of Washington Guoyu Lu, University of Delaware Rui Yu, University College London Mohamed Souiai, TU Munich Dong Zhang, University of central florida Tom Lee, University of Toronto Madalina Fiterau, Carnegie Mellon University Fatih Cakir, Boston University Ayan Sinha, Purdue University Fillipe Souza, University of South Florida Chen-Ping Yu, Stony Brook University Khurram Soomro, University of Central Florida Danna Gurari, University of Texas at Austin Nikhil Naik, MIT Media Lab Joao Henriques, University of Coimbra Wei Liu, UNC Chapel Hill Umit Aktas, University of Birmingham |
Larry Davis Alyosha Efros Thomas Brox Tamara Berg Jamie Shotton Thomas Brox Rama Challapa Kevin Murphy Carsten Rother Rick Szeliski Michael Black Rama Challapa Trevor Darrell Michael Black Lana Lazebnik Vladlen Koltun Alex Berg Bill Freeman Rick Szeliski Rahul Sukthankar Cordelia Schmid Lana Lazebnik Marc Pollefeys Jim Regh Carsten Rother Jim Regh Andrew Fitzgibbon Marc Pollefeys Raquel Urtasun Rama Challapa Trevor Darrell Devi Parikh Trevor Darrell Tamara Berg Michael Black Andrew Fitzgibbon Rahul Sukthankar Raquel Urtasun Stephen Gould Jianbo Shi Rick Szeliski Bill Freeman Cordelia Schmid Jamie Shotton Vladlen Koltun Stephen Gould Thomas Brox Jianbo Shi Zhuowen Tu Lana Lazebnik Larry Davis Greg Mori Zhuowen Tu Greg Mori Devi Parikh Alyosha Efros Kevin Murphy Cordelia Schmid Alex Berg |
All Ph.D. students in computer vision who will graduate within the next 6-8 months, as well as those who have graduated in the past 6 months are eligible.
Submission GuidelinesEligible students who would like to participate in the Doctoral Consortium should submit an application via CMT at https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/DCICCV2015/. The application is due on October 5, 2015 (9PM Pacific Time), and should include the following information:
- Is your university/college/department a US institution? (yes/no)
- Expected graduation date
- Names of 5 potential mentors
- Title and author list of the poster that will be presented at the consortium, which may or may not be presented at ICCV as well
- Research statement (1 page + unlimited references) summarizing the applicant's research and progress to date
- Applicant's CV
- Note from applicant's advisor confirming the date of graduation and stating the advisor's availability as a mentor.
Items 3-7 should be uploaded as a single pdf file.
All information is required. Incomplete applications will be rejected. Page limit on research statement is strict.
If all applications cannot be supported, selection will be based on the above material and the student's graduation date. Institutional representation will be taken into account; it is unlikely that more than two students from the same institution will be invited.
Travel AwardsSelected students will receive travel reimbursements for part of their expenses. The amount is anticipated to be on the order of $700 per participant. Receipts will be required for processing reimbursements. Details will posted.
SponsorsWe gratefully acknowledge the support of both the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Baidu for the Doctoral Consortium.

Submission deadline: Oct. 5, 2015
Notification of acceptance: Oct. 12, 2015
Doctoral Consortium event: Dec. 15, 2015